Palmyra Community Library
Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
May 18, 2023, 6:30 p.m.
Present: Sandy Goehle, Mike Braell, Chris Ossont, Mary Beth Poupart, Sheila Koeberle-
Library Manager, Sheryl Ladelfa-Treasurer
Excused: Sharon Sweeney, Sarah Wimer, Barb Lloyd
Mike opened the meeting at 6:30.
Meeting Minutes:
Upon a motion made by Mary Beth and seconded by Chris, “ the minutes of the April 20, 2023
Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting were unanimously approved.”
Director's Report:
Upon a motion made by Sandy and seconded by Chris, “Sheila's Manager’s Report for April
2023 was unanimously accepted.”
Treasurer's Report:
Upon a motion made by Chris and seconded by Mary Beth, “the April 2023 Treasurer’s Report
was unanimously approved, including Abstract #5, vouchers 2023-69--- 2023-84, with $6,593.28
funds requested and approximately $17,500 for payroll transferred.” Sheryl reported hearing
from Mike DeBadts of Mengel, Metzger and Barr that he has not completed our 2022 income
taxes but did apply for an extension. Discussion ensued and all agreed a new accountant should
be considered. Mike had asked Sheryl to estimate any budget surplus from 2022. She reported
about $58,000 surplus funds.
Public Comment: none
Finance Committee: Met May 17, 2023, minutes have been digitally shared.
Policy Committee: Did not meet since last meeting.
Facilities Committee: Did not meet.
Evaluation Committee: Did not meet.
Upcoming Trustee Workshops:
Check the OWWL website for new Trustee workshop offerings in 2023. There are several
workshops of interest coming up. Reminder of 2 hour Trustee Educational requirement.
Items for Discussion/Resolution:
After discussion, a motion was made by Mary Beth, seconded by Sandy and
unanimously approved to “ authorize that Patricia’s name be removed and that Sheila’s
should be added as a signatory for the PCL bank deposit box.”
Mike discussed an amendment to a portion of the Personnel Policy. A motion was made
by Chris, seconded by Mary Beth and unanimously approved to “amend a section under
Vacation Time for part time employees, to read “ 1 week vacation time after successful
completion of the probationary period.”
Sheila updated the Board on the purchase of 2 new tower and monitor computers for
public use,(they do come with a mouse and keyboard) and 1 all in one computer to be
used by Emily are in at OWWL. She will schedule the installation. Sheila also noted
several staff have inquired as to whether the retired computers may be purchased. After
discussion, it was agreed that retired computers may be purchased for a $50 donation.
Sheila shared that the West Co. had recently visited for the annual fire extinguisher
check. In discussion she pointed out the outdated tags on all 15 extinguishers and
questioned their conditions. Upon examination, 8 failled the required tests and need to be
replaced. The West Co. gave her quotes for cost and she will seek others. Sheryl
suggested PATI Co. that the Water Authority uses.
Sheila invited all present to the Annual Dixie Pritte Awards, June 12, 2023 at 7:00 and
noted other invitations will be sent. The Friends will underwrite the expenses associated
with the reception. Debbie Nagle and Gail Loveland will be the honorees.
Mike reminded the Board of 3 open seats in the October Trustee elections. Interested
persons may obtain a petition in July. Mike also reminded the Board of the upcoming
deadline to request a tax levy increase or not. He would like the Board to make a
decision at the June meeting.
Sheila asked a question about one of the goals on our current Strategic Plan, to explore
the value/need of expanded hours. This had been looked at several times in the past and
the Board didn’t feel patron usage warranted more hours at this time.
Sheila proudly shared her first PCL Summer Newsletter, highlighting the summer reading
program and performances, summer lunch program and all the great activities taking
place at PCL.
A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to “adjourn at 7:35”.
Next meeting- Thursday, June 15, 2023, 6:30.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandy Goehle
Upcoming Events at PCL: Please refer to the May newsletter, PCL website or call the Library
to check out all that’s going on.
Strategic Plan 2023-2027:
Develop a plan to replace the culvert under the South driveway entrance.
Develop a plan for the use of the current garage space.
Offer programs that appeal to community members.
Offer collections in multiple formats that reflect current interests and needs of
community members.
Increase community awareness of PCL services through the use of social media, social
marketing, etc.
Increase collaboration with community organizations.
Adapt PCL services and offerings to the ever growing and ever changing world of
Explore new and innovative technologies that could provide savings in utility costs, etc.
Continue to develop a long term financial plan that will maximize use of PCL resources
as well as ensure the funding necessary to cover projected annual operational expenses.