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May Minutes

Writer's picture: Sandy GoehleSandy Goehle

Palmyra Community Library

Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting

May 19, 2022, 6:30 p.m. This is an in person meeting.

Present: Debbie Nagle, Sandy Goehle, Mike Braell, Sharon Sweeney, Sarah Wimer, Patricia Baynes-Director, Sheryl LaDelfa- PCL Treasurer Excused: Chris Ossont, Ian Priestley


Meeting Minutes:

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, “ the amended minutes of the April 21, 2022 Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting were unanimously approved.”

Director's Report:

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, “the Director's report for April 2022 was unanimously approved.” Congratulations were extended to Patricia on receiving her Notary Public.

Treasurer's Report:

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, “the April 2022 Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved, including Abstract #5, vouchers 2022-63 --- 2022-79, with $9,513.77 funds requested and approximately $16,000 for payroll transferred.” Sheryl reported Mengel, Metzger, Barr filed PCL’s 2021 taxes on time. After discussion, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to “authorize Sheryl to prepay the phone bill(Verizon) and the gas and electric bill (NYSEG) when they come in.”

Public Comment: none


Finance Committee: May 18, 2022 minutes were shared digitally. The April 20, 6:30 meeting was cancelled.

Policy Committee: Did not meet.

Facilities Committee: Plans to meet in next 2 weeks, hopes to create a spreadsheet for Library projects.

Evaluation Committee: Patricia shared all that she’s accomplished so far in the creation of an “Operations Manual” for PCL. She said that she’s enjoying this process and the Board commended her on the progress.

Upcoming Trustee Workshops:

Check the PLS website for new Trustee workshop offerings in 2022. There are several workshops of interest coming up.

Items for Discussion/Resolution:

· Patricia reported that the track team will help move first floor furniture on June 15 in anticipation of having the hard wood floors refinished. She may need help moving things back on the 21st and will update the Board.

Patricia stated that the Long Range Plan team had received the initial paperwork on the Causewave Stakeholder Perception Survey. The materials contain questions which wouldn’t pertain to PCL so the team will prioritize the relevant questions. The team plans to meet Monday to discuss issues/options. Debbie also asked for Board input on any additional focuses/ ideas for consideration.

· Patricia talked about the rear parking lot paving bid process and noted that former Village Clerk and PCL Board member Alicia Lynch was working with her on the bid process. She had received a bid from All County Paving for $43,000 for just the lot in front of the creek some time ago, so will check back with them.(The paving project does not include the driveway over the culvert to Prospect, at this time. Input from Modern Coating and the Motorcycle club has yet to be sought.

· Patricia shared 2 possible recipients of the 2022 Dixie Pritte Awards. A date during the week of July 25 was suggested. More info to follow.

· Patricia shared that Ian is not running for the PCL Board again and Debbie’s term will expire this fall, so there will be 2 vacancies on the Board. Possible candidates will be solicited.

Upcoming Events at PCL: Please refer to the June 2022 newsletter, PCL website or call the Library to check out all that’s going on.

Strategic Plan 2018-2022:

· Completed- installation of energy efficient AC for 1st floor-(2018)

· Completed-set-up of a suggestion box on the PCL website to collect patron feedback.(July 2018)

· Completed - back steps repair/improvement project.(Oct. 2018)

· Completed- external audit of PCL finances (Dec. 2018)

· Completed-Send Library news through monthly digital newsletters and e mail to increase public access to Library info (Dec. 2018)

· Completed- Creation of a CommunityResource Guide with current information about local services and organizations, in print and digital formats.(Oct. 2019)

· Completed the front parking area, including, paving, lighting, landscaping and adding a drive –up book return. (July 2020)

On deck for 2022 completion:

1.Install interior signage as guides to the Library collection and all various areas of the building.

A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn.

Next meeting-Thursday, June 16, 2022, 6:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandy Goehle


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