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March Minutes

Writer's picture: Sandy GoehleSandy Goehle

Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

March 16, 2023, 6:30 p.m.

Present: Sandy Goehle, Mike Braell, Sharon Sweeney, Chris Ossont, Barbara Lloyd, Mary Beth Poupart, Patricia Baynes-Director Excused: Sarah Wimer, Sheryl Ladelfa-Treasurer

Mike opened the meeting at 6:30.

Mike asked for a motion to amend the agenda. After discussion, a motion was made by Mary Beth, seconded by Sharon and unanimously approved to “amend the agenda to include an interview that had to be rescheduled for tonight.”

After discussion, a motion was made by Sandy, seconded by Mary Beth and unanimously approved to “enter into Executive Session for the purpose of interviewing a candidate for the PCL Library Manager position at 6:30.”

At 7:05 a motion was made by Mary Beth, seconded by Sharon and unanimously approved to “return to the regular open session.”


Meeting Minutes:

Upon a motion made by Chris and seconded by Sharon, “ the amended minutes of the February 16, 2023 Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting were unanimously approved.”

Special Board Meeting minutes: Upon a motion made by Sharon and seconded by Barb, “the minutes of the Special Board Meeting of March 7, 2023 were unanimously approved.”

Director's Report:

Upon a motion made by Sandy and seconded by Sharon, “the Director's report for February 2023 was unanimously approved.”

Treasurer's Report:

Upon a motion made by Sharon and seconded by Chris, “the February 2023 Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved, including Abstract #3, vouchers 2023-33--- 2023-49, with $11,898.22 funds requested and approximately $17,500 for payroll transferred.”

Public Comment: none


Finance Committee: Met March 15, 2023, minutes have been digitally shared. Discussion of the elevator repair of March 11, 2023, questioned whether the maintenance contract should cover the expense? Patricia will pursue. Next meeting is April 12, 2023.

Policy Committee: Did not meet.

Facilities Committee: Did not meet. Patricia brought up need for repair and refurbishment of the gazebo, and will ask the Friends for some financial support of the repairs, including the restoration of the original cupola.

Evaluation Committee: Did not meet.

Director Search committee: minutes of Feb. 24 previously shared digitally.

Upcoming Trustee Workshops:

Check the OWWL website for new Trustee workshop offerings in 2023. There are several workshops of interest coming up. Reminder of 2 hour Trustee Educational requirement.

Items for Discussion/Resolution:

· Patricia shared the receipt of FFRPL acceptance agreement, we’re receiving $1,973.35 this year. A motion was made by Sharon, seconded by Sandy and unanimously approved to “accept the FFRPL agreement for 2023.”

· Patricia shared and asked for approval of the NYS Annual Report. A motion was made by Mary Beth, seconded by Sandy and unanimously approved to “accept the PCL Annual Report for Public and Association Libraries, 2022.”

· A change to the Operations Policy was discussed. A motion was made by Sharon, seconded by Chris and unanimously approved to “accept the amended Operations Policy”.

· A discussion of the procedure for signature transfers of the various PCL bank accounts occurred. It was decided to wait until a new Manager is hired so all necessary transfers/changes can be accomplished at the same time.

· After discussion, a motion was made by Sharon, seconded by Mary Beth and unanimously approved to “ accept the newly created Library Manager Job Description.”

· Mike introduced an amendment to the Probationary Period of the Personnel Policy. After discussion, a motion was made by Sandy, seconded by Barb and unanimously approved to “accept the amended Probationary Period portion of the Personnel Policy.”

· Mike shared a Letter of Agreement for the Library Manager position. After discussion, a motion was made by Mary Beth, seconded by Chris and unanimously approved to “ accept a draft of the Library Manager Employment Agreement.”

· A motion was made by Barb, seconded by Chris and unanimously approved to “accept a draft of a Letter of Agreement for the Library Manager position.”

· After discussion, a motion was made by Chris, seconded by Sharon and unanimously approved to “ rescind the original retirement date of the Library Director” as Patricia has agreed to stay on until we fill the Library Manager position.

· Mike led a discussion of previous plans for a Staff Appreciation Week, suggesting we hold off until April 24-29, which is National Library Week. Patricia will check the staff work schedule an let the Board know which 3 days might be best to treat all staff members. Discuss further at the April meeting.

· At 8:10, a motion was made by Mike, seconded by Mary Beth and unanimously approved to “enter Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the appointment of a new Library Manager.” After discussion of both applicants, a decision was made. At 8:30, a motion was made by Sandy, seconded by Mike and unanimously approved to “return to the regular open session.”

· Mike will make a job offer, to one of the applicants, for the Library Manager Position.

A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to “adjourn at 8:35”.

Next meeting- Thursday, April 20, 2023, 6:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandy Goehle


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