Palmyra Community Library Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting
February 18, 2021, 7:00 p.m. Due to Covid 19 restrictions this was a virtual meeting.
Present: Debbie Nagle, Sandy Goehle, Mike Braell, Chris Ossont, Sarah Wimer, Patricia Baynes-Director
Excused: Ian Priestley, Sharon Sweeney, Sheryl LaDelfa-Treasurer
Meeting Minutes:
Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of the January 21, 2021 Annual Organizational Meeting were unanimously approved. Upon a second motion duly made and seconded, the January 21, 2021 minutes of the Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting were unanimously approved.
Director's Report:
Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Director's report for January 2021 was unanimously approved as written.
Treasurer's Report:
Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the January 2021 Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved, including Abstract #2, vouchers 2021-18 – 2021-30.
Public Comment:
There was no public comment.
1.Patricia reported that the 2020 NYS Construction Grant for the roof needs to be used and work started by April 14. Jack Close had submitted an estimate sometime ago, and is currently out of town for the winter. Patricia will try to get an update from him and Gary may help with a second estimate from another roofer.
2.Patricia also reported receiving $3,000 from the Cator Fund for fitness classes to be held in the summer, and expected funds from the Cares Act Grant, in reimbursement for costs associated with operating PCL during the pandemic.
Policy committee:
1. Deb, Sharon, Ian and Patricia will meet to revisit/update the Personnel and Emergency Policies. Deb will send a few dates for a meeting.
Finance Committee:
1.Sandy noted that the January27, 2021 finance committee minutes had been shared digitally. The next meeting will be Feb. 24, 2021, at 6:00 in person at PCL, and includes Mike, Sandy, Chris and Sarah. Discussion will include the feasibility of a credit card for PCL/Patricia.
Building and Grounds:
1.Patricia revisited the heating situation in the back stairwell. She shared several options received from Fleming, to replace the leaking radiators on all 4 levels. After discussion, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to contract with Fleming for the option #3 heating repair, to be installed on the basement and second floor levels.
Items for Discussion/Resolution:
· Debbie gave an update on the PPP loan received during the pandemic. The application for forgiveness of the loan was completed and received for review. An updated application was requested and Debbie took care of that. Haven’t heard anything since then.
· Patricia shared that the Friends of the PCL made a $1,500 donation, per requests, for various programming through the summer and into the fall. It was noted that the Friends are tentatively planning a Book Sale in September.
· Patricia also reported receiving memorial donations in the names of Pat Brockheuzien and Pat Nash.
· Debbie reminded the Board of various Trustee workshops being offered by PLS. Descriptions of the classes and registration is available on their website.
Upcoming Events at PCL: Please refer to the spring newsletter, PCL website or call the Library to check out all that’s going on.
Strategic Plan 2018-2022:
· Completed- installation of energy efficient AC for 1st floor-2018
· Completed-set-up of a suggestion box on the PCL website to collect patron feedback.(July 2018)
· Completed - back steps repair/improvement project.(Oct. 2018)
· Completed- external audit of PCL finances (Dec. 2018)
· Completed-Send Library news through monthly digital newsletters and e mail to increase public access to Library info (Dec. 2018)
· Completed- Creation of a CommunityResource Guide with current information about local services and organizations, in print and digital formats.(Oct. 2019)
· Completed the front parking area, including, paving, lighting, landscaping and adding a drive –up book return. (July 2020)
On deck for 2021 completion:
1.Install interior signage as guides to the Library collection and all various areas of the building.
2. Create a committee to begin planning for the next PCL Strategic Plan.
A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn.
Next meeting-Thursday, March 18, 2021, 6:30.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandy Goehle