6:30 p.m. This was an in person meeting.
Present: Sandy Goehle, Mike Braell, Sharon Sweeney, Chris Ossont, Sarah Wimer, Barbara Lloyd, Patricia Baynes-Director Excused: Mary Beth Poupart
Public Comment: none
This meeting was called to begin discussion and planning for the transition to a new Director upon Patricia’s retirement, which will be effective as of March 18, 2023.
Items for Discussion:
· An updated, in house Library Manager Job Description is being worked on. More info to follow.
· The proposed Job Posting for Library Manager Position at the PCL was reviewed. After discussion, some changes were suggested, including a salary range of $50,000-$55,000. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to “accept the amended PCL Library Manager Job Listing for posting.” Sandy will make changes and send to Mike.
· Mike led a discussion of the need to adopt a reclassification of Job Class/Title for PCL, from Library Director to Library Manager. A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously approved to “adopt the creation of the new job title of Library Manager for PCL, pending Civil Service approval.
· Mike has invited Ron Kirsop to attend our Feb. 16 monthly Board meeting, to assist with the creation of possible interview questions. Mike suggested each Trustee prepare a question or two for discussion.
· A Director Search Committee was formed, comprised of Mike, Mary Beth, Sandy and Sharon. This committee will be tasked with preliminary gathering of applications and screenings. Patricia requested a staff member be included on the interview committee.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandy Goehle