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August Minutes

Writer's picture: Sandy GoehleSandy Goehle

Palmyra Community Library

Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting

August 19, 2021, 6:30 p.m.

This is an in person meeting.

Present: Debbie Nagle, Sandy Goehle, Mike Braell, Ian Priestley, Sharon Sweeney, Chris Ossont, Sarah Wimer, Sheryl LaDelfa -Treasurer Excused: Patricia Baynes


Meeting Minutes:

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the updated minutes of the July 15, 2021 were unanimously approved.

Director's Report:

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Director's report for July 2021 was unanimously approved.

Treasurer's Report:

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the July 2021 Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved, including Abstract #8, vouchers 2021-127 --- 2021-142.

Public Comment: none



1.Debbie shared an estimate for the upgraded security cameras and that we’re awaiting approval on this 2020 Library Construction Grant. Debbie led a discussion and review of the 2022 Construction Grant application and assurances document. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously voted “to approve the 2022 Library Construction Grant application, which includes replacement/repainting of the Library’s window sills and back parking lot rehabilitation.” A second motion was made, seconded and unanimously voted to “approve the assurances document : State Aid for Library Construction Program.”

Policy committee:

1.No meeting held.

Finance Committee:

1.Sandy noted that the July 14, 2021 finance committee minutes had been shared digitally. There will be no August meeting. Patricia will attend the next meeting, September 15, 6:30, to begin the 2022 budget process.

Facilities Committee:

1.The newly created Facilities Committee was formed, comprised of Patricia, Sarah and Ian. They plan to begin meeting in September.

Building and Grounds:

1.The gutter replacement and roof coating project was completed and looks great.

Items for Discussion/Resolution:

· The deteriorating condition of the bridge over the creek in back of the Library was discussed. The need for replacement was suggested. Gary LaBerge received an estimate from Greenside Designs to repair and reinforce the bridge. Sarah suggested the bridge replacement might be an Eagle Scout project and will check into this.

· Ian talked about the deteriorating condition of the driving bridge and the pipes/foundation. It is our property, but is shared with the motorcycle club and Modern Coating, Village of Palmyra so responsibility will be further studied. Would it be possible to address at the time of paving the back lot?

· Debbie shared some of Patricia’s recommendations to fill an opening in a part- time clerk’s position. Grace Martinez would work 15 hours to replace Sydney, and a second clerk to work just evenings or Saturdays. After discussion, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved “for Patricia to hire 2 new, part-time clerks, at a rate up to $12.65 an hour.”

· Mike led a discussion of the possible addition of Trustee names (the President+ Vice President) as contacts to the RACF funds, along with the Director and the Treasurer. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved “to add the PCL Board President and Vice President (currently Debbie Nagel and Mike Braell) as contacts to the RACF funds.”

· Debbie reminded the Board of various Trustee workshops being offered by PLS. Descriptions of the classes and registration is available on the PLS website.

· Mike reminded the Board of the timeline for upcoming Staff, Director and Board self evaluations. Sarah will be getting the staff evaluations out soon. Mike and Sandy will meet to review/update the Director’s self evaluation.

· Sandy reminded the Board of the upcoming Friends of PCL Book Sale, to run from Sept. 7-25, as well as the third floor Art Show, culminating in artists’ visits and awards on Sept. 25. Indoor masking will be required, regardless of vaccination status.

Upcoming Events at PCL: Please refer to the September newsletter, PCL website or call the Library to check out all that’s going on.

Strategic Plan 2018-2022:

· Completed- installation of energy efficient AC for 1st floor-(2018)

· Completed-set-up of a suggestion box on the PCL website to collect patron feedback.(July 2018)

· Completed - back steps repair/improvement project.(Oct. 2018)

· Completed- external audit of PCL finances (Dec. 2018)

· Completed-Send Library news through monthly digital newsletters and e mail to increase public access to Library info (Dec. 2018)

· Completed- Creation of a CommunityResource Guide with current information about local services and organizations, in print and digital formats.(Oct. 2019)

· Completed the front parking area, including, paving, lighting, landscaping and adding a drive –up book return. (July 2020)

· On deck for 2021 completion:

1.Install interior signage as guides to the Library collection and all various areas of the building.

2. Create a committee to begin planning for the next PCL Strategic Plan.

A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn.

Next meeting-Thursday, September 16, 2021, 6:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandy Goehle


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