January 19, 2023, 6:30 p.m.
Present: Mike Braell, Chris Ossont, Sharon Sweeney, Sarah Wimer, Barbara Lloyd, Mary Beth Poupart, Patricia Baynes-Director, Sheryl Ladelfa-Treasurer
Excused: Sandy Goehle
Review of Annual Reports:
2022 Director’s Annual Report (Patricia)
2022 President’s Annual Report (Mike)
2022Treasurer’s Annual Report (Sheryl)
2022 Grants Report (Patricia)
2022 Friends of the Palmyra Library Annual Report (Laura Bogart)
2022 Policy Committee Annual Report (Sharon)
2022 Finance Committee Annual Report (Mike)
2022 Evaluation Committee Report (Mike)
2022 Long Range Plan Committee Report (Mike)
2022 Facilities Committee Report (Sarah)
A motion to “accept receipt of the 2022 Annual Reports”, was made by Sarah, seconded by Mary Beth and unanimously approved.(Digital and print copies have been provided.)
Election of officers: Nominations were accepted.
Upon a motion duly made by Sarah and seconded by Barb, “the nomination of Mike Braell for President was unanimously approved.”
Upon a motion duly made by Sharon and seconded by Mary Beth , “the nomination of Sarah Wimer for Vice President was unanimously approved.”
Upon a motion duly made by Mike and seconded by Sarah, “the nomination of Sandy Goehle as Secretary through October was unanimously approved.”
Appointment of Treasurer for 2023:
Upon a motion duly made by Sharon and seconded by Sarah, “the appointment of Sheryl Ladelfa as PCL Treasurer for 2023 was unanimously approved.”
Assignment of Committees for 2023:
Policy Committee: Sharon, Barb
Finance Committee: Mike, Sandy, Sarah, Chris
Facilities Committee: Sarah, Mary Beth, Barb
Long Range Plan Committee: not needed at this time
Evaluation Committee: waiting on this until later in the year
Library Director Search Committee: Mike, Sandy, Sharon, Mary Beth
Financial/Investment Policy annual review:
The Board reviewed the Finance Policy and Patricia will correct a typo.
ByLaws Annual Review, Amendments:
The Board discussed proposed updates to the ByLaws: suggested rewording of part “e” under section 4 “Board of Trustees”, pertaining to Absences- “Trustees are asked to notify the President in advance, if they are unable to attend regular monthly meetings. If a Trustee fails to attend (3) three consecutive regular Board Meetings without satisfactory cause, the Board may, after consultation, ask for his/her resignation.”
Upon a motion duly made by Sarah and seconded by Sharon, “the proposed updates to the ByLaws were unanimously approved.”
Conflict of Interest Policy Annual Update, Amendments:
The Board discussed the proposed updates to the Conflict of Interest Policy. The proposed amendment states “ The Palmyra Community Library Trustees, Treasurer and Library Director are required to sign the following statement at the start of their service and annually thereafter.”
Upon a motion duly made by Sarah and seconded by Sharon, “ the proposed updates to the Conflict of Interest Policy were unanimously accepted.” This change will go into effect for 2024.
Reminders of Trustee Annual Education/training Requirements were made:
2 hours minimum of Trustee education(through OWWL offerings)
Sexual Harassment certification.
Tax Cap Override Resolution:
The Board discussed the need for a tax cap resolution in case it is needed later this year:
“Whereas, the adoption of the 2024 budget for PCL may require a tax levy increase that exceeds the tax cap imposed by state law as outlined in General Municipal Law, Section 3-c adopted in 2011; and Whereas, General Municipal Law Section 3-c expressly permits the Library Board to override the tax levy limit by a resolution approved by a vote of at least 60% of qualified Board members; now therefore be it Resolved that the Board of Trustees of the Palmyra Community Library voted and approved to exceed the tax levy limit for 2024 by at least 60% of the Board of Trustees as required by state law, on January 19, 2023.”
Upon a motion duly made by Sarah and seconded by Sharon, “ the proposed Tax Cap Resolution was unanimously approved.”
Public Comment: there was none
A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved “to adjourn the Annual PCL Board of Trustees Organizational Meeting at 7:00 p.m.”
Respectfully submitted ,
Sarah Wimer ( for Sandy Goehle)