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March Minutes

Palmyra Community Library

Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting

March 21, 2019, 6:30 p.m.

Present: Carolyn Bradstreet, Deb Nagle, Sandy Goehle, Courtney Marr, Mike Braell, Shawn Williams, Ian Priestley, Patricia Baynes-Director Excused: Kathy Wooden


Meeting Minutes:

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the amended meeting minutes of February 28, 2019 were unanimously approved.

Director's Report:

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Director's report for February 2019 was unanimously approved.

Treasurer's Report:

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the amended February 2019 Treasurer's report, including Abstract #3, vouchers 2019-35 to 2019-54, was unanimously approved.

Public Comment:

There was no public comment.


Grants: There was nothing new to report.

Vote/Budget sub-committee: March 5, 2019 meeting minutes were accepted.

Policy sub-committee: March 2019 meeting minutes were accepted.

Building and Grounds:

1.Patricia reported that the gutter repair made over the back entrance is just a temporary fix and replacement of that section will need to be addressed.

2.Patricia and Carolyn talked about application of the top coat to the front parking lot. We’ve been advised to wait for warmer weather, which will enhance the bonding. As the parking lot will need to be restriped after the top coat is applied, further discussion will determine what kind of divider will be used.( perhaps something simpler than raised flower boxes could be used, possibly just a dividing chain to discourage driving through) Landscaping at the front of the parking lot will also be revisited.

3.Patricia explained that our heating/cooling team, formerly with Potter Heating and Cooling, is now part of Fleming and suggested the board work with Fleming for future needs. An estimate from Fleming was received for replacement of the second floor air conditioner. 4.Patricia and Carolyn led a discussion about repaving the back parking lot which is eroding badly. Several bids will be sought for this repaving project, including All-County Construction which did the front parking lot. This paving project will also involve co-ordination with adjacent owners of Modern Coating and the motorcycle club.

Items for Discussion/Resolution:

  • A revised FAQ Fact Sheet was shared with the board. A few suggestions will be incorporated and the finished FAQ Fact sheet will be shared at the April meeting.

  • A final draft of the revised Personnel Policy was shared. 2 additions were suggested and will be incorporated, with approval expected at the April meeting.

  • Carolyn visited the Family Promise family, (on our premises March 17-24), noting young children in the group. All seemed to be going smoothly with the program.

  • Patricia led a discussion of the Dixie Prittie Awards. Several names were suggested and will be revisited. Monday, June 3, 2019, 7:00 was selected as the date for the annual awards ceremony.

  • The board unanimously approved October 15, 2019, 12-9:00 for the Library Budget and Trustee vote, with 3 Trustee positions open.( Patricia will provide the procedure for absentee ballots.)

  • Final Recommendations from Tom Lauffer to be addressed include written policies for on line banking, written policies for funds and investment policy information and revision.

  • The Policy sub-committee will review By-Laws next.

Strategic Plan 2018-2022:

On deck for 2019 completion:

  1. Install interior signage as guides to the Library collection and all the various areas in the building, non-fiction arrangement.

  2. Complete the front parking area including paving, lighting, landscaping and adding a drive-up book return.

  3. Create a Community Resource Guide with current information about local services and organizations to be available in print and digital formats. Start discussion with staff.

Upcoming Events:

The Friends Spring Book Sale is April 3-6, including Mike’s second annual cake sale on the 6th.

Classes in felting, sewing, painting exercise, yoga and basket weaving are being offered. Call the Library for more details.

Next meeting-Thursday, April 18, 2019, 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandy Goehle

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