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February Minutes

Palmyra Community Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

February 28, 2019, 6:30 p.m.

Present: Deb Nagle, Sandy Goehle, Courtney Marr, Mike Braell, Shawn Williams, Patricia Baynes-Director Excused: Carolyn Bradstreet, Ian Priestley, Kathy Wooden

Guest speaker- Tom Lauffer- Full Audit Report: After offering kudos to Kathy for all of her work in putting together the necessary materials for the audit, Tom gave an overview of the first ever PCL Full Audit, patiently answering board questions. All board members received copies of the Audit as well as specific suggestions for improving the effectiveness of PCL’s internal control. Moving forward, the board will develop a long term plan to address and implement suggested changes. Tom noted the NYS Comptroller’s website, under Local Government Management, has many guides and templates which PCL may find useful in developing a long term plan. When asked about future audits, Tom suggested a “Procedural Review Audit”, to follow up on implementation of suggestions made in the Full Audit.


Meeting Minutes:

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of both the Annual Organizational Meeting and the regular meeting minutes of January 17, 2019 were unanimously approved.

Director's Report:

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Director's report for January, 2019 was unanimously approved.

Treasurer's Report:

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the January, 2019 Treasurer's report, including Abstract #2, vouchers 2019-20 - 2019-34, was unanimously approved.

Public Comment:

There was no public comment.


Grants: There was nothing to report.

Building and Grounds:

1. Patricia reported that the plaster and repainting project in the stairwells, as well as a more recently damaged area, has been completed by Al Liberio, per agreement.

2. Patricia reported a leak at the back entrance. An emergency repair was made to a damaged gutter by Jack Close’s company, but it was suggested new gutters across that portion of the building should be installed in the future.

Items for Discussion/Resolution:

  • Mike and Patricia shared news from the Budget Vote Sub -Committee, including a revised Fact Sheet, and a tentative 2020 budget. The sub -committee meeting minutes of February 4 and February 14, 2019 were accepted. Their next meeting will be Tuesday, March 26, at 2:00.

  • Patricia suggested the board form a Policy Sub-Committee, to work at reviewing and updating PCL Policies, write those updates and bring to the board for review, with final versions requiring a vote. All updates will need to be accomplished by 2020. Mike, Courtney, Shawn and Patricia volunteered for this sub-committee, with their first meeting planned for Thursday, March 14, 6:00. ( the Personnel Policy, currently under review will be looked at first.)

  • Patricia reported that Kathy was able to negotiate a new elevator maintenance contract that saved PCL a substantial amount.

  • Patricia noted that Jay Harding had repaired a damaged computer plug receptacle at no charge to PCL.

  • After discussion of a possible donation to the Barker Library which burned in January, it was agreed that this was not an appropriate use of PCL funds.

  • Patricia reminded the board that Family Promise of Wayne County would be using the lower level of PCL from March 17-24. Volunteers from outside the library are totally responsible for the implementation of the Family Promise program while on our premises.

Strategic Plan 2018-2022

On deck for 2019 completion:

  1. Install interior signage as guides to the library collection and all the various areas in the building. (Dec. 2018)

  2. Complete the front parking area including paving, lighting, landscaping and adding a drive- up Book return. (Oct. 2018)

  3. Create a Palmyra Community Resource Guide with current information about local services and organizations to be available in print and digital formats.(June 2019)

Upcoming Events:

The agenda outlined some upcoming events at PCL, including Thom Dutton’s harp concert on March 3, classes in knitting, exercise, sewing, felting, painting, basket weaving, Defensive Driving and yoga, and the Friends next book luncheon on March 11. As always, call PCL for more information on these events.

Round Table Discussions:

None due to time constraints.

Next meeting-Thursday, March 21, 2019, 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandy Goehle

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