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February Minutes

Writer's picture: dianerhodesdianerhodes

Palmyra Community Library

Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting

February 15, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

Present: Carolyn Bradstreet, Deb Nagle, Sandy Goehle, Courtney Marr, Mike Braell, Shawn Williams, Patricia Baynes-Director, Jennifer Voss-Clerk of the Works, Helen Darrow, President of the Macedon Library Board Excused: Kathy Wooden


Meeting Minutes:

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the amended meeting minutes of January 18, 2018 were unanimously approved.

Director's Report:

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Director's report for January, 2018 was unanimously approved.

Treasurer's Report:

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the amended January, 2018 Treasurer's report, including the Rochester Area Community Foundation report on endowments and abstract #2, vouchers 2018-23 - 2018-40, was unanimously approved.

Public Comment:

There was no public comment.


Grants: Patricia reported that the state is still considering our NYS Library Construction Grant.

Building and Grounds:

1.Patricia and Jennifer reported on an updated estimate from Potter Heating and Cooling, for an energy efficient air conditioning unit for the first floor. After discussion of details and a conference call with Jim Godfrey of Potter Heating and Cooling, where further questions were asked and answered, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to hire Potter Heating and Cooling to provide and install the proposed energy efficient air conditioning unit for the first floor of PCL.

2.Patricia reported that Gary Hopkins from the Village of Palmyra came with a bucket truck to repair the malfunctioning LED light in the back parking lot. As the part that had been sent did not fit, and the LED lights are still under a 3 year warranty, the lighting company will engineer to order a new part, to be received in 4-6 weeks.

3.Patricia reported on a visit to the Community Bank in Newark, to check the contents of PCL’s security box. A list and pictures of the contents were shared with the Board. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to allow access to either Patricia or Kathy, on behalf of PCL.

4.Patricia revisited a discussion of the need for resurfacing in the back parking lot, especially over the areas where water line work was done. An estimate was sought from Champion Asphalt, who has previously done work for PCL, but there has been no response, to date. A suggestion was made that we contact Mike Boesel for advice, and possibly an estimate.

5.Patricia also reported that Potter Heating and Cooling replaced the thermostats and a new fresh air vent was installed to address the cold temperatures on the first floor.

6.Patricia stated that since a drive up Book Drop would not be covered by the pending PLS construction grant, any grant funds received from Senator Helming will be used for that purpose.

7. Patricia reported on the cost/feasibility of wrought iron steps for the rear entrance. After discussion, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to accept Brad Jacobs’ previously tendered estimate to remove and reinstall the rear concrete stairs.

Items for Discussion/Resolution:

  • Patricia reported that Kathy had completed the NYS Annual Finance Update Report for 2017. As Director, Patricia has also completed the 2017 NYS Annual Report for Public and Association Libraries. The Board unanimously approved the motions to accept and submit each of these reports on behalf of PCL.

  • Carolyn, Deb and Patricia submitted a proposed draft of the new 5 Year plan for Board review and discussion. As there were many suggestions for revisions, the 5 Year plan will be revisited at the March meeting.

  • Patricia obtained and shared a requested PCL boundary map, from the Wayne County tax office.

  • Carolyn presented each Trustee with a NYLA published Road to Sustainability booklet.

  • Potential candidates for the open Trustee position were discussed.

  • It is hoped that a Full Audit of PCL can be scheduled after May. Advice from other libraries on CPAs who have been used and the costs involved with an audit are being sought.

  • Several ideas from the Feb. 5 PLS workshop were discussed as pertinent to PCL and will be revisited.

Upcoming Events:

Carolyn outlined some upcoming events at PCL, including a Calligraphy class on Feb. 17, a Genealogy class on March 3, Thom Dutton’s harp concert on March 4 and Saturday Studio Art classes beginning March 3. The Friends of PCL will offer a luncheon and book talk by Pat Gorthy on March 12. Call PCL for registration or more info. And The Distance Between Us author Reyna Grande will be here on March 29 from 3:30-5, to talk about her book.

Round Table Discussions:

Several topics were brought up and discussed, including the offer of a grand piano, use of the third floor community room, Library Enabling Legislation and use of endowment funds.

Next meeting-Thursday, March 15, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandy Goehle

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