Palmyra Community Library
Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting
January 19, 2017, 7:00 p.m. estimated
Present: Sandy Goehle, Carolyn Bradstreet, Deb Nagle, Kathy Wooden, Mike Braell, Shawn Williams, Patricia Baynes-Director, Jennifer Voss-Clerk of the Works
Excused: Robin Lindstrom, Courtney Marr
Meeting Minutes:
Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the meeting minutes of December 15, 2016 were approved.
Director's Report:
Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Director's report for December 2016 was approved.
Treasurer's Report:
Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the December 2016 Treasurer's report was approved, including abstract#1, vouchers 2017-01- 2017-30.
Public Comment:
There was no public comment made.
Committees: Discussion took place concerning various needed committees and the responsibilities of each. Discussion will continue as to which Board members will work on which committee.
None at this time.
Building and Grounds:
Update-Jennifer Voss and Patricia
The Board declined the Leo J. Roth proposal for the HVAC control system. John Whitcomb performed some repair work to the boiler/circuit breaker system. Patricia noted that both boilers are old and need to be monitored for ongoing issues.
The Board’s offer to purchase the property at 336 W. Main St., directly west of the library was accepted. Purchase was made possible through a very generous patron donation. Survey and title search to be conducted, signing to take place and closing at a date to be determined.
Jennifer outlined the steps for demolition of the house at 336 W. Main St., with the goal of creating additional, at grade parking, at the front entrance of the Library. All parking spaces in the front of the library will be designated as handicapped.
Kathy explained the NYSEG Energy Saving Program, which replaces all lights with LED bulbs and outlined the substantial savings to be earned. After further exploration and clarifications from NYSEG, all Board members agreed that Kathy should proceed with applying for this program.
Items for Discussion:
Upcoming Library events, including Rochester Reads, with Rene Denfeld, the author of The Enchanted, visiting on March 30th to talk about her book.
Next meeting-Thursday, February 16, 2017, 6:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted by,
Sandy Goehle
Palmyra Community Library
Annual Board of Trustees Meeting
January 19, 2017 6:30 p.m.
Review of Annual Reports:
2016 Director’s Annual Report (Patricia)
2016 President’s Annual Report (Carolyn)
2016 Buildings and Grounds Committee Annual Report (Jennifer)
2016 Treasurer’s Annual Report (Kathy)
2016 Grants Report
2016 Friends of the Library Annual Report (Maureen Ahern)
Election of Officers: Nominations and Votes
President: Vice President: Secretary:
Carolyn Bradstreet Deb Nagle Sandy Goehle
All nominations were duly made and seconded, voted on and approved unanimously.
Assignment of Committees for 2017
Grants: Patricia, Mike, others
Building and Grounds: Robin, Mike, Carolyn, others
Public Comment:
There was no public comment.
Adjournment of Annual Meeting:
A motion was made and duly seconded to adjourn at 7:00 p.m.