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October Minutes

Writer's picture: dianerhodesdianerhodes

Present: Courtney Marr, Sandy Goehle, Carolyn Bradstreet, Deb Nagle, Alicia Lynch, Kathy Wooden, Jenifer Smyth, Patricia Baynes-Director, Jennifer Voss-Clerk of the Works, newly elected trustees- Robin Lindstrom, Michael Braell, Architect John Page

Excused: No one.

Meeting Minutes:

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the meeting minutes of September 15, 2016 were approved.

Director's Report:

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Director's report for September 15, 2016 was unanimously approved.

Motion duly made and seconded, unanimous approval of Abstract #2016-208 thru #2016-231 in the amount of $12,936.49

Treasurer's Report:

A motion was made and seconded to accept the September Treasurer's report. Motion duly made and seconded, unanimous approval of Abstract #2016-232 thru #2016-253 in the amount of $14,055.95


Public Comment:

There was no public comment made.


There were no grants discussed.

Building and Grounds:

Update-Jennifer Voss and Patricia

  • Lower level heating improvement project to be completed by Leo J. Roth, with work to begin on October 24 and be completed by Nov.5.

  • An estimate and contract with Modern Coating for snow plowing services on the library premises was discussed. After a motion was made and seconded, Carolyn was authorized to sign the contract on behalf of the Library Board.

  • Discussion continued on possible landscaping solutions for the creek area at the back of the library property. Several businesses will be contacted for suggestions.

  • Discussion of the need for a handyman to cover various odd jobs around the library centered on whether it should be a hire or volunteer. Several names were offered, but discussion will continue.

Items for Discussion:

  • Possible use of screensavers, with a calendar of events, on library computers. No decision was made.

  • Library staffing: Patricia reported that the library staff is adequate at this time.

  • A discussion of Building Use Policy, after library hours, centered on possible costs, responsibilities of the party using the library, use of alcohol on the premises. Further discussion will amend the Building Use Policy to reflect these issues.

  • Newly elected Trustees will take Oath of Office at the November 17, 2016 meeting.

  • Discussion of the possibility of making the Treasurer a paid position will continue.

Next meeting-Thursday, November 17, 2016, 6:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted by,

Sandy Goehle

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