Palmyra Community Library Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting May 19, 2016 6:30 PM @402 East Main Street Present: Carolyn Bradstreet, Sandra Goehle, Alicia Lynch, Courtney Marr, Deb Nagle, Kathy Wooden, Patricia Baynes (Director), Jennifer Voss (Clerk of the Works) Excused: Jenifer Smyth Meeting Minutes: Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting minutes for April 2016 were approved. Director’s Report: Upon motion duly made and seconded, the director’s report for April 2016 was unanimously approved. Treasurer’s Report: Upon motion duly made and seconded, the treasurer’s report for April 2016 was unanimously approved. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the April Treasurer's report was approved. Upon motion duly made, seconded, and approved funds were transferred to the Building Reserve Fund and the Capital Reserve Fund. Upon motion duly made, seconded and approved of Abstract #5, which includes vouchers # 2016-106 through #2016-126 in the amount of $16,115.75. Public Comment: No public comment was made. Grants: The Palmyra Community Library will receive the final NYS Construction Grant payment for the 3rd floor renovations. 402 E. Main Street Building/Grounds: Dave Peck will mow and weed whack the library property this summer. Jennifer Voss gave 3rd floor update. CO2 monitors and smoke alarms will be installed by Milkay before June 7. Heating for the lower level is expected to be in place sometime in October. Chuck White will be doing the installation. Shelving is being made for the archive room. Rug for 3rd floor stairs to be installed on June 1. Other final 3rd floor punch list items have been addressed. The Board sought and received ideas to improve the rear entrance from Architect John Page. Ideas included suggestions for the steps, heating issues, and a possible alternative entrance in the rear. It was agreed that a Master Plan, including Grant possibilities and input from local code enforcement officers, was needed before making any decisions. The Library is looking for volunteers for weeding/landscaping of the property. Patricia reported that LDS would be mulching the gardens on July 14. Two estimates have been received to install and stain shoe molding on the first and second floors. After Patricia clarifies what each vendor’s estimate includes, one will be chosen to complete the job. Items for Discussion: D. Landon will be contacted for an estimate to repaint parking lines and handicap symbols. When the first floor air conditioner was repaired, it was noted that the roof under it may need work in the future. . The damaged automatic door opener was repaired. Eagle Scout Hannig will complete his project, a story walk, on June 4. Plans for the Dixie Prittie Award reception, June 7, 7:00 p.m. were finalized. Patricia showed examples of the tables and chairs to be purchased by the Friends of the Library for use on the third floor. 50 chairs and 7 tables will be ordered. Summer staffing has been hired. Discussion of a name for the third floor will be revisited. The Dixie Prittie Award honorees have been finalized. The reception will be held on June 7th at 7pm. The Grand Opening of the yet to be titled third floor has been tentatively scheduled for September 2016. Next Regular Meeting: Thursday, June 16, 2016
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