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April 2016

Writer's picture: dianerhodesdianerhodes

Palmyra Community Library Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting April 21, 2016 6:30 PM @402 East Main Street Present: Jenifer Smyth, Kathy Wooden, Carolyn Bradstreet, Alicia Lynch, Sandra Goehle, Courtney Marr, Patricia Baynes (Director), Jennifer Voss (Clerk of the Works) Excused: Deborah Nagle Meeting Minutes: Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting minutes for March 2016 were approved. Director’s Report: Upon motion duly made and seconded, the director’s report for March 2016 was unanimously approved. Treasurer’s Report: Upon motion duly made and seconded, the treasurer’s report for March 2016 was unanimously approved. Motion duly made and seconded, unanimous approval of Abstract #4, which includes vouchers #2016-85 - #2016-105 in the amount of $38,881.98. Public Comment: No public comment was made. Grants:

  • The Library received a grant from Pioneer Library System for a staff member to attend a Youth Services Programming seminar.

  • A generous bequest was received from the Ernest Vander Molen Family.

402 E. Main Street Building/Grounds:

  • The tentative completion date for the third floor is April 26, 2016.

  • A mechanical engineer will be evaluating the lower level’s heating, or lack thereof. The plan will cost $2800.00 and will provide the library with a heating design plan that can be used to execute the project in the future with contractors.

  • A second bid for the installation of the carbon monoxide detectors is expected by the end of June.

  • Alicia will check with the village about handicap parking spaces being painted…can we borrow a stencil, who does the painting for the village, etc.….

  • After comparing multiple quotes for third floor blinds, the library board voted to go with the lowest bid which was provided by Wooden’s Upholstery. Kathy Wooden abstained from the vote.

  • We are currently looking for a lawn care person. Kathy will check out some possibilities.

  • Patricia is in the process of looking for new shelving for the archive room.

  • The board unanimously voted to name the third floor meeting area the Douglas J. Wilson Room

Items for Discussion:

  • We are waiting for the bill from the automatic door repair company to discuss the disciplinary consequences for the boy responsible for the damage.

  • Patricia shared her draft of the art gallery policy. It has not been finalized.

  • The Friends of the Library have generously agreed to supply the 3rd floor kitchenette with a microwave.

  • Patricia and Jen Voss are researching the cost and number of round tables for the third floor.

  • The Dixie Prittie Award honorees have been finalized. The reception will be held on June 7th at 7pm.

  • The Grand Opening of the yet to be titled third floor has been tentatively scheduled for September 2016.

Next Regular Meeting: Thursday, May 19, 2016


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